MY NAME IS MUSIC - Tell It To The Stars
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 20.4.2015
Music + Lyrics: MY NAME IS MUSICVideo: JimmiDee production
Single Release: May 8th, 2015 (Vienna Wildstyle Recordings)
Special thanks to everybody who helped us realize this video!
k + r: Alexander Zechmeister
ra: Enisa Meindl
h + m: Zoe Marvie
pl: Clemens Wollein
l: Clara Zeisl
s: Alice Zeisl
d: Michaela Illetschko, Dino Dean Stelzl, Thomas Hovecak
a: Daniela Mitterlehner, Marianne Hink, Clara Zeisl, Thorsten Kleinlein
t: Caroline Weber
k: Vic Cooper (Kleiderdesign), aurin-spaceland, Kupferdach Production
f: exithamster, TraumVabrik