Takze dve novinky, dobra a zla.
Najprv teda ta zla, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE tento rok nevystupi z dovodu vymeny europskych festivalov za tour po Amerike s Wintersunom a Rammsteinom. Posnazia sa vsak prist o rok aj s novym albumom!
A ta dobra, ze nahradou sa stava ruska ARKONA, kapela ktora sa za poslednych par rokov dostala medzi europsku spicku. Energicka druzina s frontmankou Mashou, plna folklornych prvkov a pohanskej atmosfery potesi istotne nielen skalovernych fanusikov
Zmeny nas mrzia ale nic sa neda robit a dufame ze tato vymena urobi viac usmevov ako preklinani ;)
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..a este oficialna sprava od manazmentu Fleshgodu:
I'm sorry to inform that Fleshgod Apocalypse will not be able to perform this year august festivals in europe, I feel very sorry for this but the reason is that we have secured a massive us tour with Wintersun as direct support plus a few shows with
Rammstein as well in America for entire month of august..
You surely understand this is not a chance we can miss, hopefully you are not mad and we can rebook the band next year again , will be even better since new album will be out