Samsung reportedly will not use the Exynos processor on the Galaxy S25 series that will be launched in 2025. This information was conveyed by leading analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of TF International. Kuo revealed that production issues at Samsung Foundry caused low production of the Exynos 2500 chip, which was planned to be used on the Galaxy S25. , , Quoted from Phone Arena (19/6), initially, Samsung planned to continue the same strategy as the Galaxy S24 series, where the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ will use the Exynos 2500 processor in most markets, except in the United States, China, and Canada. In those markets, the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ will use Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor. As for the Galaxy S25 Ultra, all units across the market will use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4.