Beyond This Realm je o brutálním souboji dvou sil o moc, kde i konec světa, samotná apokalypsa, patří mezi věci nejen nezbytné, ale naprosto obyčejné a bezvýznamné.
Tento song složil basák Dan Pešek a text k němu napsal Vilém Obrátil.
[1. sloka]
From time to time one source ascends
with a great lie that it defends.
It's a matter beyond our irrational realm.
The other one cannot run far
so it prepares for this cold war.
Human kind has a word for this
it is called Apocalypse!
I won't return home, I will die alone...
[2. sloka]
I am older than all the gods,
against the odds, the power holder.
I will face you my dark brother,
my will be rule after father!
I will fight to the bone, in victory I will groan...
[3. sloka = 1. sloka]
No one's victorious, both leaving unglorious.
Father betrayed us!
We'll come in thousand years!
Betrayal beyond this realm, betrayal beyond this realm...