Segment - O kapele |

Segment rock'n'roll-rock'n'roll / Holešov

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • 1 - Live Off My Life (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 2 - Never Be The Same (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 3 - Feel Like This (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 4 - Overture (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 5 - Call For Hope (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 6 - Rising (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 7 - Disparity (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 8 - Suicide (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 9 - Standing Here Again (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 10 - Break Your Enemy (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 11 - Wasted (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 12 - Victim (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 13 - We Are The Aliens (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 14 - You're just one (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 15 - I Wanna See Your Fucking Hands (Call For Hope 2013)
    Call For Hope
  • 1 - Intro (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 2 - Freaking Cruise (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 3 - Bad World (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 4 - Where Are We Goin´ (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 5 - Burn This Page (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 6 - I'm Nothing (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 7 - Destiny (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 8 - For You (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 9 - So What (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 10 - Wake Up (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 11 - Fire In My Head (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 12 - The Universe (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 13 - Daylight (With Friends) (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 14 - Fuck You (Disco Version) (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe
  • 15 - Bad Romance (Cover) (The Universe 2012)
    The Universe

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara
Nástrojové obsazení: Kytara

Kontakty a odkazy

Dodatečné info

 O nás:

Nejsme kapela, jsme velká rodina ! 

Muzika je pro nás životní styl a hlavně přátelství. Chceme poznávat nové kapely, bavit se, přátelit se, užívat, dělat ten správný Rock´n´roll, jak má být !!! Ten, který spojuje !!!  


Hanz Sedlar - Drums & Vocals                    
Jay Neat - Guitar
James Moody - Guitar & Vocals                
Chris Down - Lead Vocal
Jerry Keys - Bass
& Vocals                  


José Rodriguez - Technik pro bicí nástroje  

Phil Khoo - Technik pro kytarové nástroje




About Us:

We're not only a band, we're just a big family!

Music is our lifestyle and mainly friendship. We wanna recognizing new bands, having fun, associating, just having a good times and do the right Rock'n'roll, the best that only could be! The one which connects.

The band SEGMENT was found in 2002. From the beginning till present time the guys create the music on their own way. After several personal changes the contemporary group was formed. Still the young band is famous for live performances. Style of this band can be also called as New Wave of American Heavy Metal. Classic rock sound spiced by classic violin, piano, quintet vocals and provocative stage image. This is the new format of Segments’ music!

Skutečná liga 2010 – winner of international band contest in the Czech republic
Czech – Slovak Got Talent 2011 – finalist of international TV talent contest
Hard Rock Rising 2012 – winner of international contest (Czech & Slovak)


2012 – The Universe
2013 – Call For Hope

The Band

Hanz Sedlar - Drums & Vocals                     Jay Neat - Guitar

James Moody - Guitar & Vocals              Chris Down - Lead Vocal

Jerry Keys - Bass & Vocals                 


Bio a historie


Vznik hudebního seskupení SEGMENT sahá na počátky 21. Století. Původní sestava nahrála dvě CD a odehrála mnoho koncertů a několik soutěží po celé republice. Poté prošla změnou v obsazení, žánru a neposlední řadě také anglického jazyku v textech, které  začala používat z důvodu lepšího splynutí s muzikou.

Na podzim 2010 kapela zažívá první větší úspěchy. V prosinci 2010 se SEGMENT stal vítězem soutěže Skutečná liga které se zúčastnilo 172 kapel z celé ČR a Slovenska. Tím  se před kapelou otevřely možnosti vystoupení na velkých festivalech, které dostaly Segment do širšího povědomí fanoušků.

Od začátku působení až dosud prezentuje kapela svoji čistě autorskou tvorbu. Po několika změnách v obsazení postů kapela vystupuje v současné pěti-členné sestavě.

Tato mladá holešovská banda je známa především díky jejich precizním živým vystoupením. Styl kapely je často přirovnáván k tzv. nové vlně amerického heavy metalu. Klasický rockový zvuk a rytmická energie spolu s pětihlasými vokály ve spojení s tradičními nástroji jako jsou klavír, smyčce, či žesťové sekce. To je nový formát Segment hudby, kterou vám představujeme!

Skutečná liga 2010 – vítěz mezinárodní soutěže hudebních kapel Skutečná liga v České republice
Česko-Slovensko má talent
2011 – finalisté mezinárodní talentové TV soutěže
Hard Rock Rising 2012
– vítězové mezinárodní soutěže pro ČR a SR
Český Slavík Mattoni 2012 –
kategorie Skokan roku – 2. místo, kategorie Skupina roku – 19. místo

V roce 2012 SEGMENT vydávají první oficiální album The Universe a v druhé polovině roku přichází na světlo světa zbrusu nová tvorba předznamenávající další nastávající éru. Na konci května 2013 vychází druhé album Call For Hope.


Texty / Lyrics


- CD - Call For Hope (2013) -

Live Off My Life

Sitting on a chair your brain is off
Still the same thing you are so alone
Violence (and) access this not fill you up
You, yourself outside reality

Make some money now
You've nothing to lose
Break away tonight
Should enjoy real life

Live off my life tonight 
Live off my life tonight 
I‘m beside of you on better place
Live off my life tonight 

Ambitions tend to return to zero
Oh, my god move your ass right now
Digital, artificial is this gonna be?
You, yourself outside reality

Make some money now

Live off my life tonight 
Live off my life tonight 
I’m beside of you on better place
Live off my life tonight 

Hey, hey, hey….

Live off my life

Not afraid of me

Make some money now
You've nothing to lose
Break away tonight
Enjoy infernal ride

Live off my life tonight
Live off my life tonight
I‘m beside of you on better place
Live off my life tonight

Never Be The Same

Hide inside this undying desire
You can‘t be deliberately higher
Donť reserved, don't make me cry

Lights on sky a point which you look for
(If) you want remain, you know where‘s the back door

Wake up it's presence, wake up it's presence

Every person every know (not be afraid, you should go)

I can see more (I trust in hope)
I trust in hope
What I want to see (Must make the first move)
All what you want to be

Freedom, inhale this feelin‘
Feel great, yeah this is real

My mind stays here, my mind‘s no fear

Moments like this never end now
Monday slowly arrives

Wake up it's presence, wake up it's presence
Every person every know (not be afraid you should go)

I can see more (I trust in hope)
I trust in hope
(But) what I want to see (Must make the first move)
All what you want to be

 I can see more (I trust in hope)
I trust in hope
(But) what I want to see (Must make the first move)
All what you want to be

Back in time
When we were child
No concern
I want it now, want back no money but funny. Fail.
Fuck this fail
It will never be the same

 I can see more (I trust in hope)
I trust in hope
(But) what I want to see (Must make the first move)
All what you want to be

Feel Like This

I can see angels, I’m loosing all. Loosin‘ all I had.  
Just this moment, at this night, I’m falling deeper

(Come with me, don’t waste my time! Come with me, don’t waste my time)

It‘s Waiting

(Come with me, don’t waste my time!) 

Life is like peace of puzzle, loose it, all turn’s to nightmare, nightmare!

(Come with me, don’t waste my time! Come with me, don’t waste my time! Come with me, don’t waste my time!)

Everything again, don’t want to close my eyes!
(Your end is not far, your end is now near!)
Hold you never ever, I will never forget!
Time spent with you…
(Your end is not far, your end is now near!)

Who can judge me? No one knows. I’m tellin‘ only truth
I’m proud of my life, I’m satisfied…
All descisions I did are Ok! So don’t stay! Still to die?

Everything again, I will close my eyes!
(Now there‘s no time, but there is no fear!)
Hold you never ever? We will meet again, on the otherside
(Now there‘s no time, but there is no fear!)

Stay here, I’ll close my eyes!
Take me! But let me scream!

Standing in my world, jumping in sky land
Help me to dare!!!!

(I’m still waiting for my love anymore)
My love is so far, my love is so near
(I’m still waiting for my love anymore)
My love is so far, my love is so near


/// without lyrics ///

Call For Hope

Sometimes I feel like better though
I have so much to tell the world
Nobody help me when I‘m loud 
(Run away, run away because we cannot hang together)
You help me speaking to the crowd
(Run away because we cannot hang together)

I can't belive good‘s gone
I can't belive good‘s gone

Why someone has not come with a form
So that hit the bad guys thunderstorm
Nobody help me when I found
(Run away, run away because we cannot hang together)
Something tells me that I am ground
(Run away because we cannot hang together)

I can't belive good‘s gone
Destroy them everywhere and everything is gone

(Hear me, hear me, hear me...)

I wanna send to you my heart
I’m not telling you anymore

I wanna send to you my heart
I’m not telling you anymore

Never show, never hide, never to be evil
Never see, never hear, no hypocrisy

I can't belive good‘s gone
I am trying to give repair and good will be back come

I wanna send to you my heart
I‘m not telling you anymore

I wanna send to you my heart
I’m not telling you anymore

Never show, never hide, never to be evil
Never see, never hear, no hypocrisy

(Hear me, hear me, hear me...)

I wanna send to you my heart
I‘m not telling you anymore


There's no way to believing
So close your eyes and forget everything

I'm the guy with pleasure
Hide yourselve you rabble
You have to remember
I'm more than god

You're just worm. Reptile!
On your knees (I) command you!
My voice‘s now your bible
So read it right now

You'll feel better
It's time to be together
You'll feel stronger
Can we help - wanna brake away! Break away!

Now we get the chance for free yourselves
Or you'll never breath, never breath again
(We're all of them
We'll rise again)

All around is waiting death
All around you're lonely man
One and all (we) save (this) world

It's important to retain
Every feeling
Every pain
All what you want to be, might warrior?

I'm the guy with pleasure
Hide yourselve you rabble
You have to remember
I'm more than god

Leave us be alone it's
Time to escape, don’t you?
Hold your hands together
Prepare to fight!

You'll feel better
It's time to be together
You'll feel stronger
Can we help

Now we get the chance for free yourselves
Or (you'll) never breath, never breath again
We're all of them
We'll rise again

All around is waiting death
All around you're lonely man
One and all (we) save (this) world
||: (We're all of them
We'll rise again) :||


One time will come the day
Nothing will be to pay
Just only peace and mind awaken

Nothing bad intention
God will be salvation
I wanna live  there but no in here

Why you cry, Uo-Uo
And have anger, Uo-Uoo-Uoo-Uoo
It´s time to life, Uo-Uo
No surrender, Uo-Uoo-Uoo-Uoo

Everyone just regrets
However, we feel great
Want more and more, and we are so greedy

Only steal, lie and hate
This is lifestyle today
And what will be tomorrow and next day?

I have a broken heart (what happened to the World?)
I have a broken heart (now is the time of senses)
I have a broken heart (world spits into my face and said: you´re totally wasted)

Why you cry, Uo-Uo
And have anger, Uo-Uoo-Uoo-Uoo
It´s time to life, Uo-Uo
No surrender, Uo-Uoo

(I) don´t want another day
When no one understands me
I want to live and not deal with worry

That key is in your mind
Set all to will be fine
Think positively and create your own World

I almost broke my heart 
I almost broke my heart 
I almost broke my heart 
I almost broke my heart 

II: I wanna have my own world with the peace and love for all :II

I almost broke my heart (Now is time to the life)
I almost broke my heart (No more of breaking mind)
I almost broke my heart (I shout it to the World, that mind is key to you)


I can‘t say that I miss anything
Any feel, initiative to next end
In my hands is badly everything
Every work, every word that can not be true

Tell me why I feel so broken-hearted
When everything is as it should be done
Tell me why now I lost my way,I lost my way
When I don´t miss anything

(What you want)
I want feel much better
(What you want)
I want better feel 
(What you want)
Sense of fulfilment
(What you want)
(I) won´t feel pain no more again

(Oooh say good bye)
I'm breathing
I'm crying
I'm falling
I‘m dying

(Oooh say good bye)
I'm breathing
I'm crying
I'm falling to die

Say good bye, don‘t be scared
I believe that it will not hurt
Hear the voice in your mind
In a while, that will be fine
Now I cry, (it‘s) not time to die
But show the way

(Oooh good bye)
Not breathing
Not crying
Not falling
Not dying

(Oooh good bye)
Not breathing
Not crying
Don´t want to be death

Tell me why the people wasting time, all the
Don´t prefer, to find their own way

(What you want)
I want feel much better
(What you want)
I want better feel 
(What you want)
Sense of fulfillment
(What you want)
I won´t feel pain no more again

Standing Here Again

You’re walking down the street
Everybody have a sorrow
Everybody have a dream

 Everything to show you
This place, the thoughts, the heaven
Everything you know

 Standing here again
Hold my hand, don’t go away
Standing here again
Be with me, don’t lose my way

Every beast have no respect
I’m close enough
I’m close enough to you

But my way is still so far
Feelin that is right
You’re feelin‘ that it should be like this

Standing here again
Hold my hand, don’t go away
Standing here again
Be with me, don’t lose my way

 And here is the road
Which lead us through barriers
Through the ocean full of nets

 Thorns of the roses
Squeeze a fist so strong
That our pain will fly round the world

Standing here again
Hold my hand, don’t go away
Standing here again
Be with me, don‘t  loose my way…

…..loose my way, no no

Break Your Enemy

I'm ready now! 
I've got a magic power!
Holy crowd
Just will be damned in a zero hour

(Everyone is liar)
I'm screaming to the crowd
(Everyone will die)
I´m screaming, not to loud

We won´t to be your enemy
I feel wasted sorrow
No one can mend the enemy like you!

 I´m madness now!
No mercy for anyone
Don’t run away, cause it´s too late to find escape

Everyone is liar
Everyone will fire
Everyone is so corrupt, they don‘t deserve to live today, so
Now I am your enemy, like you

Seize the rules, break them down, no more sorrow
(When break your enemy)
Wash your soul old age ends now
(When break your enemy)
Everyone‘s make us follow
(And break our enemy)
Together wins, goodness lives now
When break our enemy

Let's, come civility

We won´t be your enemy
Don‘t feel any sorrow. Now I am your enemy, like you

Seize the rules, break them down, no more sorrow
When break your enemy
Wash your soul old age ends now
When break your enemy
Everyone make us follow
And break our enemy
Together wins, goodness lives now
When break our enemy


I can’t believe in this world
I can’t believe in this mindless waste
There is no salvation
We are heading straight to die!

Ocean inside of glass of wine
Black sky as if the devil comes to us
The creatures of the hell will rise
Don’t run away, I am afraid so

 No don’t go
Don’t leave me alone
No don’t go
Don’t leave me alone

Acrid sand in my eyes
Acrid smelling, high and low
In the mouth just lies
We are lost and stunned in here

 Burn in hell forever!

No one can’t stop this ugly dying
Just memories before the end remain
The lies of government still saying
No one will be hurt, but I’m afraid so

 No don’t go
Don’t leave me alone
No don’t go
Don’t leave me, don’t leave me…

No don’t go
Don’t leave me alone
No don’t go
Don’t leave me alone

(Ocean inside of me
Black sky, the devil’s comin‘
The creatures of the hell will rise
No one can’t stop this dyin‘
Just memories will stay
The lies of humankind‘re immortal)


How you feel today?
Is still better to die?
I’ll show you the way
To the land of knights

Tell me why?
You’re tellin‘ me nothing!
Tell me why?
Tell me why you spoke
Tell me why I’m awake?


Break it up
Break this grace
This is neverending case

 I‘ve screwed it up
I’ve screwed up this choice
They would never hear my voice

 In the wild. There are guys
They will never let you go
It’s not a show, cause they are pro

 Throw your guns in the lake
Take a bow into your hand
Hide yourself into shade
You will meet your brothers there

 Quiet like a demon
Powerful like dragon

 You’re tellin‘ me nothing!
Tell me why?
Tell me why you spoke
Tell me why I’m awake?

But they found the way
But they found the way
Can’t him get away
Can’t him get away

Long time ago
Eternal hero

 But they found the way
But they found the way
Can’t him get away
Can’t him get away

Long time ago
Eternal hero

We Are The Aliens

You think that’s nothing better
You think that’s not OK
We must to hold together
It’s coming clear

Anything is getting closer? 
I can’t say:
Wait, we’re innocent

(So) why we must be here?

We are, we are the aliens
We are, we are the aliens…

We’ve been here for so long
So why don’t let us go?
It’s just another day
Don’t you understand?

Anywhere. Is a light 
And we’re quite scared
Wait, I know that flight
Our ship‘s prepared!

We are, we are the aliens
We are, we are the aliens…

(We) Don’t live forever
But we have dream
Just follow that stream
We all die together
But we will fight, and we will carry on

We are, we are the aliens
We are, we are the aliens...

You´re Just One

You are just one, love of my life
Better die, than be without you

Your lips are hotter than sun
You are one wonder of this world

 My live was one big mistake
Till I, fell in love with you

Now I cry, I cry like a child
Cause I feel that I‘m loosing you

But I’ll always fight for you!
Cause, my love is true
Yes my love is you!

Now I know what have to do
Never disappoint you
Always be with you

You‘re just one, love of my life
Better die, than be without you

I Wanna See Your Fucking Hands

You can spend your time to do what you have to do
You can't be the best of anything
You can lick the balls of people who despise you
It's like a poison sting

 No one cares of you, you're lonely
Every one just piss on you
That's not fair, cause you are only
Man who wants to remove your curse

/Don't! Don't break me down! Don't break me down!..../

Everybody's pushing in your head delusions
That you threw away what you love most
But you sent them into fuck off yet and told them:
I'm a motherfucker who wants more!!

Don't try to stop me, I'm decided
That's the way I want to walk
Only one sentence divides me
Only one thing needs to be done


 /Don't, don't break me down! Don't break me down!.../

We're not machines we're a humankind worriors
We want to live not be a suffocted
What is real and what is only smart illusion?
In few things we are so dedicated

Don´t try to stop me, I'm not only
This is place of fantasy
One sentense divides me only
This few words enough to say


- CD - The Universe (2012) -

Freaking Cruise

We've sticked in stinking clay
Can't get away
All we can do right now
Is only wait

Wait for some powerful stream and wave
We need strong wind to blow and stretch our hanging tilts

 Get up! The storm is coming
Pressure is low
That crew of forsaken men
Ready to go

They were much too long
Stucked in one place
No one can stop 'em
Beware of them!

 Lions broke the cave!
And no-one will survive
Lions broke the cave!
We are young and so starved
Lions broke the cave!
You will be hypnotized
Lions broke the cave!

 Our ship is sailing thru the storms and waves
We're going to you with tones and games

And now we're on the tour
Across the world
Give you some rock'n'roll
You've longed for
Jump - I wanna see your hands
High in the air
Enjoy that stream and waves
And we are on

 Lions broke the cave!
And no-one will survive
Lions broke the cave!
We are young and so starved
Lions broke the cave!
You will be hypnotized

 Our ship is sailing thru the storms and waves
We're going to you with tones and games
Our ship is here and no-one is tired
And everyone freaks in sound and rhyme

Bad World

What are we doing, think about
must always assert your mind
why peoples are so smart
they are stupid kind

 Knows that they are insidious
Not to him, to our lives
and we can be so tired
of this lifestyle

Hey! Hey I don‘t know what to say
what this earth can made
destroy it everyday

I dont know what we´ve done bad
why this fucking world´s going down yet
everything around is dying
and we live our lifes full of lying

What are we doing, think about
must always assert your mind
why people are so smart
they are stupid kind

 In lies and betrayal wasted world
this people are so cold
there is no joy but total blood
so we ask for what!

Hey! Hey I dont know what to say
what this earth can made
Destroy it everyday


 (2x): I dont know what we´ve done bad
why this fucking world´s going down yet
everything around is dying
and we live our lifes full of lying

Where Are We Goin'

It´s only waste of time
Do it but don´t know how
I am not satisfied
With way which I have gone
Feeling like down and out
I almost lost my mind
It´s just a waste of time
Do it but don´t know

We´re to ourselves like knife to knife
We´re nervous and getting drown inside

Where are we goin´
So far away from all
Where are we now
Well I don´t know but it´s wrong

It´s only ´nother night
Do it and do it right
Tune better your guitar
Turn down the skin of drum
Who made playlist so dumb
Who´s tryin´ to be the star
Who´s in and who is tired
It´s just another

I need some freedom to be the best
I clench my teeth instead of rest

Where are we goin´
So far away from all
Where are we now
Well I don´t know but it´s wrong

Where are we goin´
It feels like an asshole
No I am not stoned
Is this just what we want

Where are we goin´
So far away from all
Where are we now
Well I don´t know but it´s wrong

Burn This Page

Livin‘ nightmare, frightening
Everybody’s running for your life
Childrens crying, men dying
Seems like the end of the world

 Did you see, light on sky
Here they come, between us
Fear and fuss, we will die
This is end of existence

 You can’t live forever
You can’t be a mage
Your life is in my hands and I scream burn this page
You can’t live forever
You can’t be a mage
Your life is in my hands and I scream (burn this page)

Brain is off, your eyes are empty
Darkness stop between the walls
Give me your hand and hold me stronger
Cause I’m the man who rules this world

 Did you see, light in me
Here they go, well be free
Open your eyes don’t sleep
Do you know? It’s just a dream

 You can live forever
You can be a mage
Your life is in you hands so turn this crazy page
You can live forever
You can be a mage
Your life is in you hands so turn this crazy page

 Just one can see the difference
And you have nothing to say you have no power of man
Hold on, get rid of the nightmare
You can choose evil side or the angels way,
Standing on threshold of life

 You can’t live forever
You can’t be a mage
Your life is in my hands and I scream burn this page
You can’t live forever
You can’t be a mage
Your life is in my hands and I scream

 You can live forever
You can be a mage
Your life is in you hands so turn this crazy page
You can live forever
You can be a mage
Your life is in you hands so turn this crazy page 

I´m Nothing

Wherever lead my travels
I have been taken with vast roams
I've never made a way back home

 If I thought - challenge is the word
It felt good - really great!
I've been chased for freedom and from jail
I would leave you if I came
I could flee I could wink I could gloat and understand
I could leave you and let go

 Hey! I'm Nothing, Lord of Space
Duke of Nemo, No from Nowhere Land

 A man with goal and that's almost all
Who craves for claims to save used-up bones

 I have sold heirdom of my gore
For stardom and for faith
Being so stunned I left my native health
With an image of vagabounds
As I saw now my place is ruining into wreck
In my trap is the last of stones

 Hi! I'm Nothing, Lord of Space
Duke of Nemo, No from Nowhere Land

 A man with goal and that's almost all
Who craves for claims to save used-up bones

 /My stale bones/

A man with goal and that's almost all
Who craves for claims to save used-up bones

Wherever lead my travels
I have been taken with vast roams
I´ve never made a way back home

 Whatever seems and matters
I have a willing of chateau
I feel like I am coming home


The World is stupid game
with so many figurhead
and they never change
and sometimes we´re so sad

 When friends come to the dark
and never will be back
in this time we´re so cry
and our hearts have a cracks

 When you knock on heavens door
you´ll be at your home
and see your all best friends
and you haven’t any chance

 When friends come to the dark
and never will be back
in this time we´re so cry
and our hearts have a crack

 You never will be back
Your destiny is death
You never will be back
and our hearts have crack

For You

Another Day
And that´s another day I can´t spend with you I´m in vain
Oh my dear Babe
Don´t you know how much I am alone and how I´m sad
I feel so Bad
Cause you´re not here and don’t playing with me a game
And I will Pray
I will pray for that I can be back with you again

 Can´t you feel what you´ve made when you´ve crossed my old way - which I went
Might you don´t know how it hurts when you have gone away - far away

Another chance
Why don't you give me an another chance I'd be glad
Althought you Said
That just everything with me and you is yesterday
So let me Tell
I'm the only one who really doesn't want cause you pain
You'd underStand
These words that I write to you but you don't wa'a see them

 Can´t you feel what you´ve made when you´ve crossed my old way – which I went
Might you don´t know how it hurts when you have gone away - far away
Can´t you see you are the only one can ease my pain - oh my babe
So don´t be cruel come back to me and help me forget - these days

 (ahh, ahh)
Do you hear my heart
(ahh, ahh)
It really can't lie
(ahh, ahh)
Look into my eyes
(ahh, ahh)
It really can't lie

Can´t you feel what you´ve made when you´ve crossed my old way – which I went
Might you don´t know how it hurts when you have gone away - far away
Can´t you see you are the only one can ease my pain - oh my babe
Might you don´t know how it hurts when you have gone away - far away

 Come back to me hold my hand as you were it feels great – feels great
And I apologize so don´t be cruel and come back – oh my babe

So What

Wait, want you kill me and take me to hell
I can´t run away from your hand
You are prisoner of your thinks in your head
Don´t offer me the ticket to shit

 I never did nothing wrong
I admit mistakes
I lived as a decent man
Stamp on the brakes

 I will have overcome this fuckin´ temptation
in some bad time will come again
I want to be a person with normal function
have no fear of conscience, man

 I tell you how can you live your life
save your spirit and pick up your mind
Do what you want, and do what is right
It’s a magic of ends, it’s a wondeful might

 I can‘t go with everybody
I don‘t know why it kill my body
can you help with anxiety
I‘m staing out

Give me break with your passion
give me hate to temptation
fuck you man i can‘t go with you

I never did nothing wrong
and admit mistakes
I lived as a decent man
Stamp on the brakes

 I will have overcome this fuckin´ temptation
in some bad time will come again
I want to be a person with normal function
have no fear of conscience, man

 I tell you how can you live your life
save your spirit and pick up your mind
Do what you want and do what is right
It’s a magic of ends, it’s a wonderful might


Stay with me, don’t go away
Cause I will cry, when you make me die, inside

Wake Up

You tell me I’m tired and wasted
I can concentrate on your words
Let me show you what’s the reason
Let me show why I’m so raw

 Work from dawn to eve
Do and don’t think
Don’t wait or hesitate
Want aim to achieve
Say this is me
I’m here

Welcome to my day
I’m given up to you
The Beasts are everywhere
So now fucking screw you

 Press thumb in all veins
Pray inside brain
For child be disgraced
Stress this is pure stress
Slay life and health
And we’re

 We’re running somewhere
In pain and rain
Is this really World
We want to share
Why don’t have a break
And be happy
Wake up to new day
With sun and breathe

 Screaming, there’s no escape
And there’s no time for bleeding
Freaking all today
I think my mind is broken

 We’re running somewhere
In pain and rain
Is this really World
We want to share
Why don’t have a break
And be happy
Wake up to new day
With sun and breathe

Fire In My Head

In my head thoughts are running forth and back
But I can’t catch any
In my head is getting pretty crowded as in old wardrobe so full
I have mess in my head what I can do
everything to work that what the hell

 Almost can’t breathe
I must bow my back
So heavy
I’m upset

 Why do I go through that labyrinth
And don’t know who I am
Don’t know why I feel so wierd and silence
Speak so loud, so full
There’s thousand voices they call me urgently
Times, human whisps what the hell, what the hell

It’s like a fire in my head
Like a knife in my chest
It’s like a fighting without pain
Like an year without rain

Day by day I’m goin‘ insane
Getting myself far from me
I must get quickly of my head
Or it will explode

 It’s like a fire in my head
Like a knife in my chest
It’s like a fighting without pain
Like an year without rain

 Day by day I’m goin‘ Insane
Getting myself far from me
I must get quickly of my head
Rock’n’roll stay with me

The Universe

Let me tell you a tale
It's my own
Again I tell you I'm out of words
You think I am freak
I know what I know
The light I've seen was bright and strong

 Sci-fi is something that I like
Despite that I feel so wierd inside 

We were face to face
Those deep dark eyes
They've spied on us we've spied on em
The air was rather quiet
No phrasal fight
We'd like to speak but don't know how

/Strangers with a strange boat/

 Like a grain on the floor
A plum with no core

/Stranger with a strange boat/

There is no chance to talk
Despite what we want
No choice to talk
to tell them about the world

How to tell them we're not weak or great in strength
We have to pay for freedom but we have nothing rare
How to tell them we're not ill or afraid at all
To try a dialogue With The Universe


/Stranger with a strange boat/

Like a grain on the floor
A plum with no core

/Stranger with a strange boat/

There's one way to talk
Despite of we want
One way to talk
Let tell them about world 

How to tell them we're not weak or great in strength
We have to pay for freedom but we have nothing rare
How to tell them we're not ill or afraid at all
To try a dialogue With The Universe

Daylight (With Friends)

Sometimes when I wake
To a perfect day
Time goes pretty slow
And ticks doesn´t ring

Have nothing to do
But enjoy my life
Everything´s allright
And I recline

It´s drowse morning lee
Breakfast some tea
Staid yes I´m staid
Am I still dreaming?

It´s a beautiful day
Full of sun rays
I feel really great
There is no chase

It´s a beautiful day
To go on my way
And to tell myself
Now is the chance

Sometimes I recall
Childhood memories
When days seemed so long
Like this morning

Now I´m sure that life´s
Not running away
Between my fingers
And I feel like

I´m  back to my own
Breakfast exeat
Have (your head in the clouds) what I need
Am I still dreaming?

It´s a beautiful day
Full of sun rays
I feel really great
There is no chase

A beautiful day
To go on my way
And to tell myself
Now is the chance

What if I wake tomorrow
Back to orb of runs and rows
What if I wake non-spelled
And nowhere to find light for my life

It´s a beautiful day
Full of sun rays
I feel really great
There is no chase

A beautiful day
To go on my way
And to tell myself
Now is the chance

Fuck You (Disco Version)

Fuck is gorgeous, One thing I really like
Just one blow-job, hurry up there is no time

Don’t waste your time and do not bother me
Don’t loose your mind don’t think of me

But if you want to spend some time with me
For just one night we could be free

 Fuck you, all night, don’t wanna waste my time with love
Fuck you, all right, but don’t tell me you’re sick and tired

I want fuck you I want lick you I want everything with you
Don’t scream, don’t cry, be acquiescent for few minutes will be end

Don’t waste your time and do not bother me
Don’t loose your mind don’t think of me

But if you want to spend some time with me
For just one night we could be free

Fuck you, all night, don’t wanna waste my time with love
Fuck you, all right, but don’t tell me your’re sick and tired

O-o-o-o o-o-oooo…..

Fuck you, all night, don’t wanna waste my time with love
Fuck you, all right, but don’t tell me your’re sick and tired


Tap tap taaaau :)