Revoltage - O kapele |

Revoltage rock-metal / Bratislava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • More and more (2014)
  • I believe (2014)
  • Easy to get (2014)
  • America (2014)
  • Criminal (2012)
  • Forever in me (2012)
  • Tainted (2012)
  • Someone else (2011)

Členové skupiny

Kontakty a odkazy

Dodatečné info

Achilleas               Ghost                     Sadin                   Alex


Bio a historie

Pohania, kresťania, ateisti, blázni... Sme to my? Sú to naši protivníci? Niekedy je možno lepšie nevedieť, nepátrať a nežiť v minulosti. Lebo náš pôvod je dlhý a nejasný. Od aténskej akropoly po karpatské pralesy, od čísiel a pravidiel k chaosu a slobode. Takí sme. Myslíme si, že ovládame živly, no živly pritom ovládajú nás. Nedajú nám spať, nútia nás vziať do rúk nástroje a hrať. Hrať poctivo a tvrdo, hrať ako o život, bez zábran a strachu z toho, čo nám hudba prinesie.

Na začiatku vraj bolo svetlo, my však vieme, že najprv bol Sadin, Ghost a B.K. Tri samostatné ostrovy, ktoré sa spojily v pevninu. Bez nich by nebol zvuk, bez nich by nebol Revoltage. Stačilo málo, myšlienka, náhle vnuknutie a vzniklo spojenie, ktoré pretrvalo a odolalo. Potom prišiel Achilleas, majster skla a pán ohňa a s ním prišla antická sila a umenie. Umenie, ktoré trvá, diela, ktorým čas neuberá na ich hodnote. Uprostred tohto víru starovekej mágie sa nakoniec objavil Alex, zabudnutý bojovník rockovej viery a majster piatich strún. Len s ním bolo dielo dokonané a my sme sa predrali cez hrubé múry nášho väzenia na denné svetlo.

Spolu vidíme aký je svet chorý a skazený, ako vládnu peniaze, nesloboda a nespravodlivosť. Hoci to tak ide už od úsvitu civilizácie, my stále v sebe nesieme túžbu po slobode a nespútanosti. Spája sa v nás umenie a rocková rebélia, spája nás Revoltage...






It's been a quite a long time journey,
Since I found the way to me
But still I'm not home now!

Crazy growing demons
Better suit my plans
They keep on searchin' to find ya!

Come on, let's go cruisin'
I'd like to see you bleed!
It's growing inside, wont't you take me there?
I won't let go, I promise

Reasons to live
I searched for 1000 lives!
Reasons to kill!

Better today!
To feel like a criminal,
Rotten inside out
It's just a miracle -
I'm too many years alive!
...too many years alive

Since I saw my own world burning,
I got me a brand new world to welcome bloody morn!

Hollow is the night
Without the heart that burns
There are no rules left to follow!

Better today!
To feel like a criminal,
Rotten inside out
It's just a miracle -
I'm too many years alive!

Freedom comes with fear,
Longing for each evening.
Rage gives birth to grief!

Read all the signs with tension,
They say, you can't find the truth in men.
Living through hell, born unwanted,
Your beauty was hiding in shade.

No more cry!
It's washed away with water.
You'll never die!
That's how it should be!

You're one of a kind
And teasing me.
We'll find a place,
Where I can get to know you better.

You said you came
For reason I should know,
To give up you're your life to me.
To set your spirit free!

Offering flesh with blood
you're staying in me!

Unconscious, you're smiling,
So happy at the end.
Your last breath, I cherish,
Your body tastes so sweet.

No more cry!
It's washed away with water.
You'll never die, You're staying in me!

You're one of a kind
And teasing me.
We'll find a place,
Where I can get to know you better.

You said you came
For reason I should know,
To give up you're your life to me.
To set your spirit free!

Freedom comes with fear,
Longing for each evening.
Rage gives birth to grief!
Is this what you wanted!

You're one of a kind
And teasing me.
We'll find a place,
Where I can get to know you better.

You whispered to me,
"when we're alone"
you'd give up you're your life to me.
To set your spirit free!

Offering flesh with blood
I'll do everything you need
I'll give you home,
We're staying together free,
Forever in me!

Wicked as I am,
I keep it all inside.
Better do not cross my way!

History unfold,
My face I can not hide no more!

If you can better live my life,
will you go my way?

Get it on, no hesitation!
But way I go was made for noone else but me!

Life still goes on,
that's why I have to burn!

That's all I, that's all I know!

Easy as I burn,
On the search for understanding.
You can not change your heart, it's the highest crime.

When I seem to loose my faith,
It's not a stupid phase I'm going through!

If you can better live my life,
will you go my way?

Get it on, no hesitation!
But way I go was made for noone else but me!

Life still goes on,
that's why I have to burn!

That's all I, that's all I know!

Mud illusions, drinks in a bar,
Smash'm heads to to wall!
Seize the power!

They try to drag me, to the ground,
I'm no wrong, just throw my anger
To them all!

All naives and wise man talks,
Full mouth faces on television.

See them all yell, scream at me!
I don't get it, make slave from

Someone else not me!
Someone else not me!

I don't get evil, I'm just mad!
‘Cause it's true that makes me lonely.
All the time!

I'm the right guy, you don't know,
You're idea's out of vision.
See nothing!

All naives and wise man talks,
Full mouth faces on television.

See them all yell, scream at me!
I don't get it, make slave from

Someone else not me!
Someone else not me!

Houses burning, ashes blow!
And all you care for easy livin'!

Minds are crushing, hearts explode!
You still don't get it, make slave from

Someone else not me!