Pilot Season - Album: Single "Grinding Teeth" | Bandzone.cz

Pilot Season alternative-rock / České Budějovice


Bandzone.cz Tip týdne

29. srpna 2016
Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Replaced
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Right Where I Stand
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Leave to Live
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Boundaries
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Scars
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Butterfly Effect
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Wait for Me Dead
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Closer
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Hike Higher
    "A Deep Dive"
  • Grinding Teeth
    Single "Grinding Teeth"
  • Morning Promises
    EP "The Space Between Us"
  • Cannot Stand The Hell I Feel
    EP "The Space Between Us"
  • Keep Waiting
    EP "The Space Between Us"
  • Dirt
    EP "The Space Between Us"
  • The Starting Line (feat. Jan Kučera)
    EP "The Space Between Us"
Digitální release

Producent: Damian Kucera @soundrapids
Mix: Damian Kucera @soundrapids
Mastering: Damian Kucera @soundrapids
Album art: Matej Selucky


Single "Grinding Teeth"

1. 6. 2016