Kid With The Snowy Nose (text - překlad), One Flag Solution (text - překlad), 01101 (text - překlad)
děkujeme všem fanouškům a lidem, kteří nás podporují a chodí na naše koncerty! !!!DÍKY!!
So many sheep were enmeshed by their lies!
Promise of redemption and better life
One by one were turned into slaves
You should know YOUR OWN MIND!
Children are baptized without a choice!
Cos they can‘t resist use their own voice.
Predestinated beeing and whole life driven by the faith
Nonsence is all they live for...
Dark ages passed long time ago
Churches remained and went bad slow.
So many lives were wasted for god
Burned by fire or drown in rivers of blood
Touch of insanity is christian faith
Fear imbecility not the hell’s gate
Dead end in heaven for them hell for the rest
Breathing for higher power life‘s only a test
One by one were turned into slaves of god!
Dark ages passed long time ago
Churches remained and went bad slow.
So many lives were wasted for god
Burned by fire or drown in of blood
Fucking insanity is christian faith
Fear imbecility not the hell’s gate
They horrify us with the demons outgrowths of invalid mind
While they causing bigger evil and good sheep keep bending their spines
I figure out that there‘s another day
The rage in my heart seems to be far away
Discover lies they’re telling you and whole life is oversight
You hear silent cries every day but it makes you terrified
Weakness inside sponges upon fear of death
Let it inflate cowardice to your breath
Throw off the robe of slavery because freedom is oversight
You will approach the misery the truth makes you terrified
Everything is fucked up nowadays
Malicious grimase sits in my face
And my brain isn‘t washed up anymore
I won‘t spend rest of my life as your motherfucking whore
Take your cash
For my sins
You’re a trash
Who ruined my dreams
All people are controled by the hive
Many of them took their boring lifes
We are puppets in this freaky show
Which will curse you if you miss the main flow
We are the unbreakables, we pray for better life
No more proceeding under supervision of hive
We are the interactibles, we look up to better life
No more proceeding under supervision of fucking hive
We are ready to step out of line
And we believe things are going fine
Now our brain aren‘t washed up anymore
We won‘t spend rest of our lifes as your motherfucking whores
Take your cash
For our sins
You’re a trash
Who ruined our dreams
- Komplet kapela se poprvé schází v jedné strakonické garáži za hřbitovem někdy na začátku ledna 2006
- V březnu 2006 (po třech měsících fungování) natáčí kapela ve zkušebně své první demo, ze kterého je bohužel publikovatelná pouze jedna píseň (!!!) a to tripple 0.
- Na začátku prosince 06 je ve zkušebně natočeno DIY demo "2006 five songs demo"
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- Na začátku dubna 2009 je do světa vypuštěno cédé Sweet Insanity, natočené opět v Hellsoundu
- Koncem června 2009 odehráváme na delší dobu poslední koncert kvůli Štěpánově operaci kolenních vazů
- V půlce dubna 2010 začínáme opět koncertovat
- 18.9.2010 zveřejňujeme třípísňové EP ...In Their Hands?
- V lednu 2011 jsme konečně našli druhého kytaristu - je jím schopný Björn Leshinsen
- po období stále sporadičtějšího zkoušení a tím pádem i koncertování se kapela z důvodu časové vytíženosti členů po posledním koncertě 20.12.2013 rozpadá.