Necstatic Incredible - O kapele |

Necstatic Incredible alternative-rock / Prague

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 1- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 2- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 3- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 4- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 6- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 8- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 9- [demo/2o2o]
  • Ni: The Show -Nr 12 vers.I- [demo/2o2o]
  • Perpetually insane
  • A you & a me
  • Beware, Capibalism!

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

nECSTATIC iNCREDIBLE is an original diversified studio project launched in 2008 by the composer, poet and instrumentalist Nicolas Wind aka Shadow and a multinational cast of outstanding musicians, including singers Nicole Weiss, and Mark Bowman, instrumentalists Thomas Herian, Oskar Török, Ulf Gjerdingen and Míla Benýšek, and FAMA String Quartet. Each of musicians added a unique artistic flavor to the project.

The style of the first, experimental album SOMEONE WILL MAKE IT FOR ME can be described as pop rock that utilizes some of the basic elements of baroque and rococo music, such as polyphony and instrumentation, or s y m p h o p o p even though the definition might not be as accurate.

Our second album, made in the lighter yet rockier instrumentation, BEATIFIC DISASTERS IN 3071, aimed at the devastating impact of c a p i t a l i s m on an individual, such as deprivation of privacy, mind-control, consumerism, brainwash etc, taken from various angles.

A new, live album in a hard rock style, THE GO(O)DS MUST BE CRAZY, is being thought to reflect political, religious and demographic aspects of our society and currently at sketch stage.

Bio a historie