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Joel Bros is a french song writer : the main subjects of his songs are Love, Life, World.
He sings in french with different ryhtms ; it depends on the song subject (but sometime in czech and english as well).
Joel Bros ' band has now 11 people : Jana singer-manager, Azar Abou percussions, Ondrej Zamecnik Accordion, Lucka Rackova Cellist, Milan Vidlak Piano, Gianprimo Guitar, Eva Krivankova , Barca Kubanikova, Katia Wagner, Magda Janigova -
singers-chorists and Joel Bros song writer singer producer
<a href="http://player.zimbalam.com/links/fr/1/153914/"><img src="http://player.zimbalam.com/buttons/dms/1-0-fr.png"></a>