Extense - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

Extense alternative-rock / Nitra

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Liar • 2012
  • Sense of Blame • 2011
  • Dumb me • 2011
  • Volunteer • 2009
  • Heads on the run • 2010
  • Don't scan me • 2009

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Slavo  (bicie) • Juro  (gitara / basa) • Tomas  (gitara, spev)

 •  Misa  (spev) • Mada (člen teamu )



Dumb me  / ...pesnička o nevere

loose long relations
they are against the rules
sence of calming
you will not find in cruel

Truth hurts no longer 
everytime you cheat
Until the moment when you
will not have her near

This is cruel, I beg inside
that you just can not take
the best of real lifes
every life is not fake

No more words
cause all the bets
have been disclosed

No more words
cause all the bets
have been disclosed

You are pure whore inside
which lands on my back
teach me real life
every life is not fake

So, I am open to
you in everything
So, I am open to you
in everything

are ineffective
truth is feeling
so lonely
It hurts no longer
everytime you cheat

Until the moment when you
will not have her near


Heads on the run / ...pesnička o neslobode slova a trestoch v minulosti

Fall down in to your imagination
why was it so hard in this nation
hang the rope and the people amused
waiting until innocent step on stool

Word is the most powerfull label
Keep on the feeling of failure
Dont try to not pray ten times a day
Weaker soul is eaten by the slaves

Lets swim across the sea
to proof we were true

Destroy the nation till the
guillotine rules


Sense of Blame   /... pesnička o pocite viny, zrade voči blízkej osobe

How will you cuddle
lying in your bed
when noone is there for you "my friend"

Rumors been tellin
that someone have to leave
This piece of real brutality

Im seeking, Is there any shame
Only cold hands, with no sense of blame

I will scream out
Youre waitng for some trouble
Its needless
to say it was another

Feed that poisoned you
I dont mean it
Set on your lies
I dont need it

Soon it will be done
So close to not be dumb
Smile is just another fake

Rumors been tellin
that someone have to leave
Theyve sacrificed you just to see

If the bane is gona change the course
Relaying with no sense for good


Dont scan me  /... aká výhoda poznať človeka len "povrchne"

Look into the sun
while is rising
we should call a horde
of loudy birds

What is behind the horizon
different words I hear from above
During your stare on me
which is deeper than the sea
During your stare on me
I feel, you see

The dark inside of me
The depth which only you can see

I dont wanna know
How it feels to be alone

so please dont scan me

strike me with your stare
you keep trying to see under my surface
your hardiness
soul burning bliss
your hardiness
cant give rest to

The dark inside of me
The depth which only you can see

I dont wanna know
How it feels to be alone
so please dont scan me


Volunteer  /...o ludoch ktory si "dobrovolne" vybrali nečestnú cestu životom

Cry for heaven
my little chump
Cry for money
with gun in bag

The sound of glory
you will hear
If youll with honour

Straight to the end
throught the beginning again
ignore the sneer
youre another volunteer

Fight for better
world inside
Cry for things you
have done in past

The sound of glory
you will hear
If youll with honour

Straight to the end
throught the beginning again
ignore the sneer
youre another volunteer

2000 watts  /... "metaforickoodborne"o fyzickej láske


Ive got something nice to say
But Maybe
Youll throw my words away

Just a few more watts and im full
Im recharging my head full of you

Sweet as an orange juice

Just a few more physical tricks
Im recharging my head from your lips

Be one



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