Divisive Echoes - Text skladby Journey Through Darkness z alba The Chosen One and Excalibur | Bandzone.cz

Divisive Echoes melodic-power / Kosmonosy

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Journey Through Darkness
    The Chosen One and Excalibur
  • A Flicker of Love in the Dark
    The Chosen One and Excalibur
  • Guiding Light Through Tears
    The Chosen One and Excalibur
  • The Chosen One and Excalibur
    The Chosen One and Excalibur
  • Huldra's Call_ Secrets on the Breeze
    The Chosen One and Excalibur
  • The Legend of Thunder and Iron
    The Legend of Thunder and Iron
  • Shadows of the Past
    The Legend of Thunder and Iron
  • Towards Freedom
    The Legend of Thunder and Iron
  • Andělský oheň
    Šest krystalů
  • Na tvé oči vzpomínám
    Šest krystalů
  • Scházíš mi
    Šest krystalů

Text skladby Journey Through Darkness

z alba The Chosen One and Excalibur

Autor hudby: Divisive Echoes
Autor textu: Divisive Echoes

Angels are calling from those beautiful,
those crystal realms They descend from heaven up to the
dead The distance calls,
and it's in the mysterious island I hear a dragon's word,
distance the roar Opens under the passport The dragon dust
treasures only one place and can cross the land of darkness
He is the chosen one He came out of the darkness The
distance calls,
and it's in the mysterious island I hear a dragon's word,
distance the roar Opens under the passport The dragon dust
treasures only one place and can cross the land of darkness
He is the chosen one He came out of the darkness I hear a
dragon's word He was the only one who knew the way Through
the shadows and the night He faced the unknown With courage
and with might The distance calls And it's under mysterious
silence My hero turns and tries to run Oh, please,
I'm gonna pass one He is the chosen one The one who will
play their treasure And bring light to the darkness Forever
and evermore you The distance calls at its end A mysterious
island I hear a dragon for a distance Where I'm always
under the password He is the chosen one

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