birdiana - O kapele |

birdiana electronica-alternative / Berlín

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Anestetická (Six Mellow Dramas)
  • Beach Holiday
    Six Mellow Dramas
  • Show Her
    Six Mellow Dramas
  • Die Lange Reise
    Six Mellow Dramas
  • Lost
    Six Mellow Dramas
  • Event Horizon
    Six Mellow Dramas

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Birdiana is

Hank and Pedee

Bio a historie

The Story of Pedee & Hank
One fine day, it must have been in 2004, Pedee & Hank had the fun idea of
founding a band. It was summer, they were in Tábor surrounded by sun,
friends, and plans to go to the bar.
To get started, they wrote a Dada poem. Years later, meaning now, this
poem and the accompanying music can indeed be heard, on Bandcamp
and Soundcloud. You can probably google it.
Der kleine graue Blitz, hat großen Onkel Vogeltanz. Er schreit heraus den
Morgengram: Schlange, Schlaf, und Hosenträger! Kein Hunger kann die
Wüste sehen (Pedee sings that in German - wicked!)
But let’s continue the story. Pedee and Hank live in different cities, in fact
different countries. It’s an international project, that much is sure. Hank
had only spent his holidays in Tábor, with sun, friends, and beer and all
So they parted. Hank went home and made some funky beats, and he sent
them to Pedee. Pedee recorded her vocal, but the technique, well, it wasn’t
exactly on her side. There was this hum – what to do now? And yes, hard
to believe, but they simply gave up. Losers!
Well, six or so years went by. We are now in AD 2010. Hank tries some new
music software. But he has no ideas, really, but then… on his harddrive he
finds – almost forgotten, a little dusty, in a dark corner of the harddrive –
some MIDI® files… of the old project with Pedee!
So he builds the beats again. Pedee has a new computer, and she records
new vocals, without hum. Hank has ideas for new songs, too. Pedee comes
up with lyrics for those, too. So, they decide to resurrect the project, and
dream that old dream of becoming pop stars ONE MORE TIME.
And that’s what’s happening now. Please skip the page. You’ll find there:
* links to their websites, because these days music is happening online
* some name-dropping, former and other projects of our two heroes
* a complete list of everybody who ever played with Charlie Parker

Pedee sings in Czech, English and sometimes German. She also plays the
piano. In fact she has an upright in her house! Pedee was in Toychestra
and Kačkala, but she left both. She was/is the singer of Gaffa - do they still
exist? It’s a little unclear.
Hank programs beats in the computer. He also plays the drums, and a
little guitar, bass and keyboards. He was in Soup De Nüll. He was also in
Richard von der Schulenburg’s tour band for a while. And recently he was
in Spiegelreflex, but they kicked him out.
Ok, the next page is the last, promised…

Here are some links for all those projects mentioned, and for Birdiana:

T H E  P L A N . . .
Ok, here’s the plan. The band/project is now called BIRDIANA. We
have already released our first EP, which is the
It’s on Bandcamp:
It has a beautiful cover by Naomi Potter, and one guest musician.
That one has all the old songs. The ones that we made in 2004. But, we are
working hard on the next one. This one will have the new songs. And,
needless to say, it’s going to be even better!
Four songs are already in an almost finished state, but this time six should
be the magic number. And we have two promising candidates waiting at
pole position, so… it’s coming. Soon.
So stay tuned for more Birdiana. Like, share, and follow us, get in touch,
you can even meet us for coffee in Berlin or Tábor. We are very nice.
at last…
If you’re a facebook junkie, you can of course like us here:
And we have an email address:
We don’t tweet. Thank god.