My camera test started by taking pictures of the garden in the afternoon using the main camera. For a phone that doesn't really prioritize the camera, the POCO F6 has accurate photo color results with exposure that matches its portion. The color of the sky in the afternoon looks very natural thanks to the accurate and responsive AWB performance. The details it provides are very good which can be seen from the grass, trees, and houses in the distance. , , , , Next I shot using the ultra-wide camera in the afternoon. The colors it gave looked bright and natural, almost the same as when I shot using the main camera.
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Loni v létě jsme z provozních důvodů museli vystěhovat zkušebnu a půl roku jsme se plácali v nejistotě, kam složíme hlavy, resp. kapelní aparát. Díky pochopení a vstříctnosti jedné dobré víly jsme opět "ve svém" a můžeme zase radostně hoblovat.
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