Adalbert je sólový projekt Vojtěcha Štědroňa, frontmana kapely Unisex. Už od svojích desiatich rokov tvoril doma piesne pod týmto menom. Na jar 2009 prvý krát zverejnil svoju tvorbu prostredníctvom internetu. V roku 2010 vzišiel nápad, urobiť tento projekt aj live, preto sa začala formovať aj doprovodná kapela. V roku 2011 odohral s touto kapelou jediné 2 koncerty Adalberta. Okolnosti však ďalej nedovolili členom live-bandu ďalej pokračovať v hraní v projekte. V roku 2013 vzišla myšlienka postaviť Adalberta znovu na pódium. Táto myšlienka sa napĺňa a Adalbert sa vracia na pódiá s novým live-bandom.
Lyrics Diamonds (Diamonds in your eyes) I saw you lying on the grass of sadness from my happiness you didnt find any tears in your diamonds don't care about me I wanna see you cry show me your feelings I don't wanna live in world I lived before that anymore but the diamonds in your eyes dont want to make me happier oh no but the diamonds in your eyes dont want to make my life happier oh no no, I can't find miracles in this time I'll try to make you happier but first show me how you cry so hard but the diamonds in your eyes dont want to make me happier oh no but the diamonds in your eyes Hiatus You will change the feel of love to feel of hate too fast What is wrong with all angels tonight we'll see a flyer human being is fragile king our abuse of each other close our eyes, get more size, because breathing isn't easy tell me what is wrong with all angels tell me story I saw your soul leave your bones leave your meat, your body human being is fragile king our abuse of each other close our eyes, get more size, because breathing isn't easy Erased from memory One night was writen poem for me on the moon It was called You never will be nothing more than fool I just told to myself this is really good news for me fools are the happiest ones in their worlds they are free now I can fly like angel in the sky I have cold rose tonight, I can touch her in the sky the magic of our living like angel I was kissing mountains, the biggest hills, troubles and biggest skills looking for a safety place in deep woods all the night I just told to myself: this is very good stuff for me I know the way how to break out of this scarry world now I can fly like angel in the sky I have cold rose tonight, I can touch her in the sky the magic of our living like angel I was kissing You believe in your own You believe in your own Hidden in the shadows I am the one who never sees sun collage is done and minutes for fun faded away this is horrible way when the sun shines by day or is night and falls rain plug in your eyes pleasure of rise pleasure of fines plug in your heights pleasure of lies pleasure of honey, stop me and every time you give me fare up on the stairs enjoy my cure one i am sure when the moon shines away the sun eats all bad rain plug in your eyes pleasure of rise pleasure of fines plug in your heights pleasure of lies pleasure of blame it on, such a beautiful thing they need to destroyed lifes and things which are fake and in cold lake hidden in the shadows 'cause you dont care about anything you aren't here, I want to tell you something what is fake and in cold lake hidden in the shadows yeah what is hidden in the shadows yeah what is hidden in the shadows |
dátum narodenia: 1991 29.september
1991-1998: ranné detstvo a život v českých Pardubiciach
1998: presťahovanie sa na Slovensko do Banskej Bystrice
2001: prvé tvorby pod menom Adalbert
2005: prvá kapela H21
2006-2008: ďaľsie kapely a prvé alkoholické skúsenosti
2009: registrácia Adalbert profilu na BZ
2010: nové piesne a príprava na live vystúpenie