One Step Heavier - O kapele |

One Step Heavier rock-progressive / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Mr. Sandman
  • Lights
  • The Suits Gang
  • Einherjar
  • You Make Me Crazy
  • RED
  • RED (Piano Version)
  • Janahub
  • Countdown
  • Last Embrace
    Last Embrace
  • Countdown (Synthwave remix)
    Countdown Remixes
  • One Step Heavier
    One Step Heavier
  • Out of the Black
    Out Of The Black
  • Master of Chocolate
    Master of Chocolate
  • Countdown (Ukulele version)
    Countdown Remixes
  • No Time To Die
    No Time To Die
  • Countdown (Paul&Deep techno remix)
    Countdown Remixes
  • Countdown (Nicco Lupen hip hop remix)
    Countdown Remixes
  • Countdown (Lex Pi industrial metal remix)
    Countdown Remixes
  • Countdown (Camel999 electronica remix)
    Countdown Remixes

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

One Step Heavier are:

- Olivier Carli - Drums/vocals

- Mehdi Masnaoui-Rotty - Guitar/electronics

- Lauriane Geny - Bass/vocals

Bio a historie

The trio, originating from three different parts of France met in Prague, in the heart of the "Free Republic of Žižkov".

They are influenced by Muse, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Daft Punk, Metronomy, Metallica, Foo Fighters, Shaka Ponk and even Nina Simone.

This eclectic mix results in fast-paced synth rock, spewing raw energy that carries you into a world of epic riffs and mesmerizing synthesizers.

In 2018, One Step Heavier (aka OSH) release their first titled track 'One Step Heavier' retracing the genesis of the band and start playing concerts in Czech Republic.

Since then, OSH remain a breath of fresh air on the new European rock stage and focuses on producing new records and music videos. They constantly innovate on stage, bringing every time a more memorable live performance.

OSH now aspire to expand their repertoire with heavy riffs and epic synthesizers while improving the live experience, create awesome visuals and videos, and set their pioneering sound as the new benchmark for rockwave.

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