Gunpowder - Úvod |

Gunpowder dechová hudba / Ostrava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Introduction
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • Threat of the madness
    Fall of the Union
  • Blindness
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • Let the corpses burn
    Fall of the Union
  • Pirates of Anarchy
    Fall of the Union
  • We are not slaves
    Fall of the Union
  • Gunpowder
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • Men of bohemia
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • Introduction
    Fall of the Union
  • Brothers in Arms
    Fall of the Union
  • No more stupid rulez
    Fall of the Union
  • Slaughter now!
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • Dusk of the humanity
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • Lust for freedom
    Blindness of the Humanity
  • River of oppresion
    Blindness of the Humanity


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