Lydian Project - O kapele |

Lydian Project progressive-fusion / Brno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • 1. Ratles
  • 2. Infinity of Possibilities
  • 3. New Day
  • 4. Decadence
  • 5. Minimum Gravity
  • 6. Sykaf
  • 7. Benefit & Profit
  • 8. Zero Feedback

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Radek Jablonovský - Keys

Lukáš Kurka - Guitars

Matouš Řeháček - Bass

Vojtěch Vaida - Drums

Bio a historie

It all started when Radek (keys) met with Vojtěch (drums) for an impromptu jam session. The two immediately found out they both have a long craving to play progressive, complex music, and to that end, they decided to form a band. Soon after, they were joined by Lukáš (guitar) and Matouš (bass), and that is when Lydian Project was first conceived. As a band, they started working on compositions, with a goal to perform them live, which has been unfortunately thwarted by restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak. However, the quartet did not let the situation slow them down, and when gigging was not an option, they decided to spend their time as productively as they could - they began recording their first full-length release, Keys in the River.