Start With Yourself
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 4.5.2014
Recorded by: Jakub Novotný @ 3Bees JinočanyCamera: Vladimír Škultéty
Editing: Ondřej Lukeš
You speak as if there was tomorrow
You can buy or borrow
As if future was guaranteed
With no pain or sorrow
With no sweat on your brow
This certainty is alien to me
This certainty is scaring me
But even if I served you future upon silver plate
You'd always find a reason to complain,
some excuse to fail.
But now, when there is no one else to blame
You can try pointing finger at yourself.
I wonder what you find.
You say there's no point,
In turning back
That we have boarded the wrong train
That there is no joy, just pain
And we are forever stuck on this track
But if this is what you choose,
Its no wonder that you lose
This certainty is alien to me
This certainty is scaring me
But even if I served you future upon silver plate
You'd always find a reason to complain,
some excuse to fail.
But now, when there is no one else to blame
You can try pointing finger at yourself.
I wonder what you find.
You can start
by pointing finger at yourself