Viliam Kudlej
Viliam Kudlej
Viliam Kudlej
Album art:
Castlehaunt (Wars of Sir Otilc Tae)
Main character Sir Otilc confronts the society (Act I), love (Act II) and himself (Act III). He meets Constantia and wonders why he can't love her and enjoy life anymore. He finds out that he buried his feelings under the White bare tree (symbolism of his carefree old times).
At the end he starts to think that the world isn't real, he is in a dream and the only way out is by committing suicide and reach his own world in Castlehaunt.
After his suicide, Constantia finds his farewell letter that is addressed to her and she blames herself that she couldn't help him. She begins to think like Otilc and she thinks that she can reach Otilc by committing suicide.