Thom Artway - I Have No Inspiration
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 12.5.2015
Režie: Adam Vopička Kamera: Jakub Dohnálek
Asistent kamery: Michael Šroubek
Asistent režie: Jakub Švejkar
Produkce: Andrea Sovová, Jakub Švejkar
Set design: Andrea Katonová
MUAH: Barbora Javůrková
Styling: Alice Reindlová
Světla: Aleš Foff
Asistent produkce: Otto Beneš
Backstage fotografie: Andrea Sovová
Námět a scénář: Adam Vopička & Lucie Waldmannová
Střih: Adam Vopička
Postprodukce & grading: Martin Kacvinský
Tento videoklip vznikl v produkci studia &FLUX.
Poděkování: ASDesign, POPUPSTUDIO, Biofilms Rental
Hudba: Thom Artway, Ondřej Jurásek
Text: Thom Artway
I am young lost man
I have no inspiration now
To write a song
So I took my snack
And I´m running to the forest
Like I do every time
Deeper in the forest has been living my old friend
Dressed like a wizard carying about all his friends
Foxes, bears and mice he´s been living a fairytale life
I have no inspiration now
I have no inspiration now
So I´m sitting on my bed and writing a song about nothing at all
Cars, tons of gadgets, wifi
Still there is time to leave this all behind
or just wait until the mirror tellls you that you used to be young
Don´t be scared to give a way
Watching squarrels when nuts are falling on their heads
instead of scrolling facebook wall scrolling scrolling…
Then i touched the highest tree
Remembered all bad memories
D‘ ya want me to cry
D‘ ya want me to sing about love…again (shout I better have no Inspiration)
I am a young lost man
I have no inspiration now
To write a song
So I took my snack
And I´m running to the forest
Like I do every time
I have no inspiration now
I have no inspiration now
I have no inspiration now
I have no inspiration now
So I´m sitting on my bed and writing a song about nothing at all