NoiseUp Label - O kapele |

NoiseUp Label noise-industrial / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Izetskal - III
    Izetskal - Untitled (2017)
  • Phÿcus - Gold 3
    Phÿcus - Ttal Gold (2017)
  • Grande Lumière Détruira Tous - MIndwall
    Grande Lumière Détruira Tous - Mindwall (2017)
  • protocell - Vampyroteuthis
    protocell - Incantation (2017)
  • Ad Marginem - The Age of Pioneers
    Ad Marginem - Works (2017)
  • Aberva - Ohuterre
    Aberva - Lisgencenive (2017)
  • Symbiotic Hominid - Freaks
    Symbiotic Hominid - Freaks (EP) (2018)
  • Aggressive Remover - 6SUBTR
    Aggressive Remover - Pungent Nonliberal Reality (2018)
  • Lightning Vanguard - Annihilation
    Lightning Vanguard - Nuclear Warfare (2018)
  • Lackthrow - Mistakes Were Made
    Lackthrow - We Haven't Been Told Yet (2018)
  • Mecizand - Papa Musang Takes His Cubs for a Walk in a Rainforest
    Mecizand - Events Deserving Attention (2018)

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

Sublabel of Synth-Me label created in 2017. NoiseUp is about to work with experimental industrial genres such as power electronics, noise, dark ambient, ritual ambient and others. Atmospheric and grounded, silent and noisy, calm and aggressive, experimental and structured. Piano experiments and neoclassics also included. Feel free to send the material to be released for free. Noise the world!