Morna - Novinky |

Morna progressive-death / Nová Dubnica

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Silence Doesn't Exist
    Sentient Cultist
  • Let Us Bury This Body
    Sentient Cultist
  • Through the Pain I See Others
    Sentient Cultist
  • To Think Alone
  • 1. Beyond the Pale
    A Tale of Woe
  • 2. Awake
    A Tale of Woe
  • 3. I Amar Prestar Aen
    A Tale of Woe
  • 4. Closing Portrait
    A Tale of Woe
  • 5. Unuhuinë
    A Tale of Woe
  • 6. Sequel
    A Tale of Woe

Live concert

Premiérový koncert Morny, prvýkrát pred publikom. Príďte podporiť a dobre sa zabaviť do Rockstar Music pub-u dňa 17.9.2011, začiatok 20.00, vstup 1€.





New song now available to check!

(Upraveno: )

Opäť v playliste pribudlo čosi nové, čosi, čo má svoju vlastnú históriu, dá sa povedať. Je to jeden z najstarších počinov najstarších členov kapely. Vznik tejto piesne sprevádza mnoho zaujímavých okolností. O chvíľu možno oslavovať jej tretie výročie. Pieseň s názvom Endless Fate si môžete vypočuť už teraz!

Endless Fate lyric


World is closing

Before endless apathy

Condemntion in my blood

Deamons from stone of granity


Blinks of shades of happiness

Expressed by the light of moon

Murder my illusions

Heal the only one wound soon


Across the sky

Coulnd't see brighter star

Perfection percipitates me

Why are you so far?


Distance from light

Afore seemed closer

No choice between

Words are frozen


Humiliation is done

Bright moments are gone

Repeating cycle without light

Begins neverending night


Dreaming is over

Tears are falling

Evacuate my soul

With dead I'm dealing?


Across the sky

Coulnd't see brighter star

Perfection percipitates me

Why are you so far?


Distance from light

Afore seemed closer

No choice between

Words are frozen

Nová pieseň + lyric.

Playlist aktualizovaný - pribudla nová pieseň s názvom Shades of the Unpleasant Souls, jedna z novších výtvorov kapely. K piesni pridávame aj text!

Shades of the Unpleasant Souls lyric


All apologies belong to her,

Without hope must wake up,

In hopeless, my judge Sir.


Try to find me out, you'll fall down and failure,

My disbelief is a way of all steps.

Upon the underside is also nothing,

Disappear into the darkness,

Judgement in my hopeless,

Waiting for the careful obscure.


(Waiting for the careful obscure)


Is the shade of the unpleasant souls.

In my eyes, you will see the scars,

The scars into the shade, shade of collapse.

Some apologies she knows.


Don't do it! It is not her fault,

She's screaming and promise me,

That the devil knows the way,

And the apology come again.

Without hope She must leave,

Forgot why I needed her.


(The meekness came)


Is the shade of the unpleasant souls.

In my eyes you will see the scars,

The scars into the shade, shade of collapse.

Some apologies she knows.


(The meekness came)


