Modern Age Dying - Text skladby Echoes Of The Sunless Empire z alba The Sunless Empire |

Modern Age Dying melodic-death / Nitra

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Traitors
    The Age Of Regression
  • The Living Monument
    The Age Of Regression
  • The Age Of Regression
    The Age Of Regression
  • Modern Age Dying
    The Age Of Regression
  • Mankind's Final Epitaph
    The Age Of Regression

Text skladby Echoes Of The Sunless Empire

z alba The Sunless Empire

Autor hudby: Matej Szoke / Lukáš Michálek
Autor textu: Jakub Nešťák

Beyond the Ocean of Ruins, out of the Sun's reach
The last burning flag flutters above the endless siege
Grounds are soaked with blood, skies lit by open flames
The final bastion built on corpses and forgotten names

The coffin of human race hammered its last nail
Our solipsistic sins have reached the highest scale
We've choked on our pride, rejected our one true purpose

Thoughtless acts of our ancestors have devoured the future
All that's left is a reverbation, a spark of once great empire

Listen to the echoes of the Sunless Empire
The shattered fragmets of the land forever lost
Destroyed by the joy of your darkest desires
You established a declining era on a holocaust

This barren Earth will never seal its scars
The fires of damnation have forever shrouded the stars

Put on your mask, and carve in a fake smile
Build your utopia on the bones of those you defiled

Ages have passed and we're still the same
We can't go back
Ruining the world and hiding our shame
We're a living plague