Metronome Blues - Novinky |

Metronome Blues alternative / Brno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Vicious Circles
    Vicious Circles
  • Ex-Smiths
    Vicious Circles
  • OCD
    Vicious Circles
  • Shake Hands
    Vicious Circles
  • Virtual Door
    Vicious Circles
  • Lonely Sun
  • Fickle
  • Phase
  • The Wireless Enemy
  • Dub Pig
    Metronome Blues
  • Black Fire
    Metronome Blues
  • Faces
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Garden of Eden

Nové album Garden of Eden k dispozici na streamech a na bandcampu

... it almost feels obscene to release music into this brave new world ... why add to the glut of music culture on offer? why now? ... music is, simply, soul food ... musicians make real their dreams, following only impulse  & gut feelings ... do we ever learn? will the world reset? where is nutopia? what happens when we find our civilisation's foundations are built on sand? what comes next? ... music itself cannot give the answers, neither our politicians, our sportsmen, our incessant media hounds ... we can only wait, but for what? ...

"We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams..." Willy Wonka

Garden of Eden

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