Made of Stars (official music video 4K )
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 28.11.2021
Made of Stars new single from MEREDITH HUNTER 2021https://www.facebook.com…
There is a light up in the sky
Reminding us who we are
Helping us to find the way
When the days are dark and grey
We can beat the gravity
We can bring a remedy
We can move the mountains
And always keep on trying
There’s no stop or losing
We’re here to keep on moving
To break all the rules
It’s not too late.. too late..
We can light a night with our glowing hearts
We can learn to build a better world somehow
We can change the world if we
learn from our history!
We can fix what's broken
We can find what was lost
We can break the habits
And liberate us all!
After the storm there comes the rain
Give us chance to rise again
We were born to make the change
We will never obey!
We can light a night with our glowing hearts
We can learn to build a better world somehow
We can change the world if we
learn from our history!
Music and production : Zdeněk Sonntág
Lyrics: Zdeněk Sonntág a Honza Petržílka
Drums: Radek Tomášek
Recorded in Hitmakers studio Milana Lamače
Mix a master: Damián Kučera
Video created by Zdeněk Sonntág
SPECIAL THANKS: Miloš Sabáček, Saša Muller, Miloš Blaháček, our great families