Joker's IV - Text skladby Watcha gonna do z alba Pink World |

Joker's IV hard rock / Ostrava

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Intro
  • When We Were Kids

Text skladby Watcha gonna do

z alba Pink World

Whatcha gonna do about it

Sometimes, the twists and turns are a little unexpected
You’re losing track and you’re feeling disconnected
Watcha gonna do about it
Sometimes, you find your self in a bad situation
You’ve got it wrong and the train left the station
Watcha gonna do about it

??You couldn´t done it differently??
You better let it go now
And focus on future

Watcha gonna do about it
Watcha gonna do about it
Don’t go diggin’ in the past you know it’s gone
It’s pointless looking back what’s done is done
Watcha gonna do about it
Watcha gonna do about it

Sometimes, it’s kinda clear you’ve been driving in the slow lane
Your bad decisions ended up in no gain
Watcha gonna do about it

Pre chorus