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Via Microsoft support fix upgrade process installs wrong Windows 10

While installing the Windows 10 a few users have been reported that the upgrade process of the Windows 10 ends up installing the wrong edition. For example, a user claims that after installing the April 2018 update on two systems running windows 10 pro end up getting some features of Windows 10 family. In the same discussion, another user reports that performing a clean install of Windows 10 pro will end up installing Windows 10 enterprise instead. As per the professionals of Microsoft Supportteam, sometimes product key no longer works as it shows an error that it is a key for a different product.

Although it may seem that these are inaccessible incidents, it's also an aide memoire of the significance of creating a full backup before upgrading as there are risks while installing a new version of Windows. These installs are also known to give some hiccups to user.

If you're amongst the first users to upgrade the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, and end up installing the wrong edition, then you need to follow the below mentioned steps to roll back to the previous version:

Open Settings from your computer on the Windows 10.

  • Click on Update & Security and then go to Recovery.
  • Here, you will see the Go back to a previous version of Windows 10 option. Just click on the get started button which is under this option.
  • Now, choose the reason of rolling back your Windows and press next.
  • Tap on No, thanks and again hit next.
  • Click on the Next button one more time.
  • After that, you need to choose go back to earlier build to begin the process link.

Once you're back with the previous version of Windows 10, you may wish to use another process to upgrade to install the right edition. If you're in the rush, then you can put a call on Microsoft Support Phone Numberand by taking the assistance from the ingenious professionals you can easily overcome this issue. The available technicians are well-versed with all kind of issues and will provide you the simplest ways to eliminate them. Therefore, by grabbing their guidance you will be able to fix upgrade process installs wrong edition of Windows 10 error in your system.

Reference Link:

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Rado One

Ahoj, radi by sme ťa pozvali na náš profil! Sme nová alternative-rock kapela zo Slovenska a budeme veľmi radi ak by si si vypočula naše skladby a nechala nám nejaký svoj dojem! :P Určite nás to posunie ďalej.

Ďakujeme pekne a prajeme pekný zvyšok dňa :)

Děkujeme, že ses připojil k naší hudební rodině na Až se tu trochu rozkoukáš, a najdeš nějaké dobré kapely, můžeš si přidat oblíbené skladby do osobního playlistu a šířit tak svůj hudební vkus dál. Případně koukni na playlist na našem profilu pro inspiraci., žijeme hudbou!

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