Erratum - Let the empires fall
Oficiální videoklip
Vznik: 24.1.2014
Pouzity video material: Baraka, HomeText: Dasha Bruncliková
Hudba: Tomáš Valent
Strih: Tomáš Valent
Vznik tejto skladby sa datuje k prichodu Dasky do kapely Erratum. Skladba bola Daske predlozena ako "prijmaci" pohovor, nech ukaze svoju kreativitu. Vysledok bol ohromny a Daska sa stala spevackou pre kapelu Erratum. Tato skladba nebola nikdy prezentovana, az doteraz.
As I strolled through the ruins of a world I loathed once so much
Her scent was there, but she was nowhere to be found
And I knew that it was not the promise,
It was her I longed for...
All the dawns I've seen
All the realms I've ruled
Greed and lies have drained me
And all the brave got fooled
So let the empires fall
We'll ruin this world
To fall on its knees
We'll rise
To stand up and fight
To restore its light
To cure its disease
As the dust settles
The battlefield gets soaked with blood
The warring rattle
Evokes in us the sympathy for wrath
And all the souls are sold
There's no redemption to be found
It's making them crave
It's thundering
So let the empires fall
We'll ruin this world
To fall on its knees
We'll rise
To stand up and fight
To restore its light
To cure its disease
It's thundering here
The cries of forlorn
They're stealing our breath
It's stealing our souls