Blood Brothers Iron Maiden Tribute - O kapele |

Blood Brothers Iron Maiden Tribute heavy-metal / Kiev

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Blood Brothers - Fear Of The Dark (Iron Maiden cover)
  • Blood Brothers - When The Wild Wind Blows (Iron Maiden cover)
  • Blood Brothers - The Trooper (Iron Maiden cover)

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

The band «Blood Brothers» is the first official Iron Maiden Tribute in Ukraine and in post-Soviet countries. Blood Brothers is not only quality performance of heavy metal hits, but is also the spectacular act of five members who completely devoted themselves to Iron Maiden music. This creates a prominent atmosphere for the audience and feeling of being a part of a British legend’s show.

Bio a historie

We are Blood Brothers! Conceptual project which spreads the music of Iron Maiden over Europe.