Balkon - O kapele |

Balkon heavy-thrash / Brno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Kiss the Night
    Slave to the Machine
  • Slave to the Machine
    Slave to the Machine
  • Throw It Away
    Slave to the Machine
  • Balkon
    Slave to the Machine
  • The New World
    Slave to the Machine
  • The Curse
    Slave to the Machine
  • Bring out the Snakes
    Slave to the Machine
  • Dead Floret
    Slave to the Machine
  • Wind of Doom
    Slave to the Machine
  • Outcold
    Hunt for the Cure
  • Insanity
    Hunt for the Cure
  • Drunkenstein
    Hunt for the Cure
  • The Swamp
    Hunt for the Cure
  • The Last Stop
    Hunt for the Cure
  • Bring Out The Snakes - early demo
  • Devil's list - early demo

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Balkon is Czech metal band formed in 2021. It has 3 members - Tomáš Pelc (bass and vocals), Radovan Španěl (guitar) and Jakub Myslivec (drums). They have released their first EP “Hunt for the Cure” in 2022 and in 2023 their debut album “Slave to the Machine”.

Bio a historie