VL45 - O kapele | Bandzone.cz

VL45 southern rock-grunge / Budapest

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Not That Kind
  • Too Late
  • Seven Seas

Členové skupiny

Nástrojové obsazení: Zpěv

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Dodatečné info

Bio a historie

VL45 is a metal band with a touch of grunge and some stoner and doomster influences.

Since the beginning (2004) they have played lots of gigs around Hungary and also made shows in Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Serbia. Through the years VL45 became the opening act for such famous performers like Dog Eat Dog, Pro Pain, H-Blockx, Helmet or Trouble.

The band's introducing record (called Inside The Dice) came out in 2009 and they have shot two official videos.

While working on the forthcoming record VL45 spend their time with making their spring tour and visiting all the fans out in Hungary and Romania as well.

Antal Apró hits the drums with full force, Dénes Mészáros tears all the five strings of the bass without contradiction, Zsolt Botka's riffs are heavy like concrete and Tom Süle’s leads blow your mind away. The vocals of David Szabó are powerful but melodic enough to catch the attention of listeners.