Harvey Karnstein - Vocals
Johann von Karnstein - Guitars
Marc B. Karnstein - Drums / B. Vocals
Bruno Karnstein - Bass
Ex- Members:
Radko Karnstein - Bass (2015 - 2020)
Domenico De Karnstein - Bass (2014-2015)
Agent Harvey Karnstein
(English, Deutsch, Italiano, Slovensky, Cesky)
Mobile: +421 908 436 307
The Karnsteins sú horror punková skupina z Bratislavy ( Slovensko ). Hudobne išlo pôvodne o tradičný horror punk, ale neskôr sa pridali prvky metalu, crustu, d-beat, shock rocku, rockabilly a hard
core. Svoj štýl tak niekedy označujú ako fhtagntastic necropunk. Vznikli v lete roku 2014 a už na jeseň toho istého roku koncertovali a začali nahrávať debutový album. Na konci roku 2014 vyšiel prvý singel a ďalšie dva vyšli v rokoch 2015 a
2016. Na debutový album "FUNNY SONGS ABOUT MORBID THINGS" sa žiaľ z technických
príčin čakalo až do roku 2018 a o rok neskôr následoval album "ROT AS
FAST AS IT GETS!" a v roku 2020 tretí album "FHTAGNTASTIC NECROPUNK". Ich skladby sa objavili v dvoch českých hororvých filmoch "Eskort" a "Příbuzenstvo".
The Karnsteins koncertujú v okolitých krajinách a v zime
The Karnsteins are a horror punk band from Bratislava (Slovakia). The music was originally traditional horror punk, but later elements of metal, crust, d-beat, shock rock, rockabilly and hard core were added. They sometimes refer to their style as fhtagntastic necropunk. They were formed in the summer of 2014, and already in the fall of the same year they gave concerts and started recording their debut album. At the end of 2014, the first single was released, and two more were released in 2015 and 2016. Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, the debut album "FUNNY SONGS ABOUT MORBID THINGS" had to wait to be released until 2018, and a year later the album "ROT AS FAST AS IT GETS! " and in 2020 the third album "FHTAGNTASTIC NECROPUNK" followed. Their songs appeared in two Czech horror films "Eskort" and "Příbuzenstvo". The Karnsteins are touring in the surrounding countries and in the winter of 2022 they are releasing the Christmas single "HORROR XMAS FOR EVERYONE (CTHULHU SAVES THE CHRISTMAS AT SLAUGHTHER HOUSE)".