Manso Chabón - O kapele |

Manso Chabón dance music-hip hop / Brno

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • "El Baile Del Pescado" MANSO CHABóN

Členové skupiny

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Dodatečné info

Manso Chabón is the Next Level DJ creating all sounds and songs Here And Now... Direct Music... is the new generation of Djs... not pushing Play to some already created songs but making it Live and Direct creating an unique atmosphere where the feeling is what he is bringing to the dance floor... a spiritual and trippi experience that makes the audience get high and smile discovering their inner world... m a g i c 

Bio a historie

Music is in the Air, in The Cosmos... with the heart as a tool to feel it and my body to express it... you complete the circle listening and dancing it 

The Simplicity Of Beying This Moment

Gives No Chances For Thinking

Podobné kapely

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