Haeri - Videa | Bandzone.cz

Haeri world music / Praha

Playlist kapely
0:00 / 0:00
  • Očešvei
  • Šen Char Venachi
  • Chertlis Naduri
  • Aslanuri Mravalzamier
  • Chela

haeri - chela

Živé vystoupení Vznik: 7.12.2014
Píseň Chela vypráví o unaveném muži, který jede jako vozka na kárce tažené dvěma voly - jeden se jmenuje Chela a druhý Buzka - a přitom si stěžuje na svůj těžký život. Píseň pochází ze stejné oblasti Gruzie jako ukolébavka Didavoi nana.

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email -- haeri.info@gmail.com



// For english speaking fans \\

Recorded during our concert in the church of Saint Nicholas in Partutovice/Moravia.

The song called Chela is about the tired man, who is driving an old cart drawn by two oxes with names Chela and Buzka and he is complaining about his hard life. This song originates from the same area as the lullaby Didavoi nana.

If you wanna support us, you can choose from few options below:
- subscribe our Haeri Youtube canal
- like, comment and share our videos on Youtube and Facebook
- write us an email

fb -- www.facebook.com/sborhaeri
email -- haeri.info@gmail.com

Thanks for your support
